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Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is one of yoga’s most important texts - and also one of its most confusing ones! In this online workshop, learn

Laura Atmadarshan Santoro hugs her favorite yoga book, the Bhagavad Gita

Atmadarshan loves, loves, loves the Bhagavad Gita - and you can, too!

  • why the Bhagavad Gita is a key text of world - and yogic - literature,

  • what style of yoga is best for you,

  • what a centuries-old poem has to do with your modern life,

  • and more!

Laura Atmadarshan Santoro is the author of the 3-volume series The Song of Your Soul, poetic translations and commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita. She has taught internationally on the Gita for over a decade and has a special knack for making it come alive through her humorous, down-to-earth approach. Find out how the Bhagavad Gita forever changed her life - and how it will change yours!

Available online via Zoom or by videorecording. Investment: $20

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