We are moving into the hottest time of the year! Does your temper rise with your body temperature? Yoga can help you beat the heat physically, mentally and emotionally!
Watch your asana. Include more earth- and water-based poses such as tadasana, cobra, frog, and restorative fish to help you keep cool on all levels. Reduce poses that trigger manipura chakra with its fire element, such as strong backbends (wheel, bow), pawanmuktasana 2 series and intense twists. Deep forward bends like paschimottanasana and turtle reduce heat, especially emotional eruptions. And try substituting moon salutation for sun salutation for a more refreshing flow.
Slow it down. Vigorous movements make us hotter and sweatier. Stick with your favorite poses, but hold them instead of moving in and out dynamically. Supported versions of shoulder stand, locust and even boat pose can give you the benefits you love with the cooling you need!
Check your props. Color can have a profound psychological effect on all of us. Favor blue, purple and green when selecting your blankets, mat - even your blocks and straps. The cooler colors can calm and pacify your mind and emotions.
Breathe into it. Add cooling breaths such as sheetali, seetkari and kaki to your daily repertoire, or use them in irritating situations, such as traffic jams.
Adjust your outlook with mudras. The word mudra literally means “attitude”, and the hand positions you choose for your practice definitely influence your state of mind! Jala (water) mudra is great to use with your meditation techniques or when you are doing your check-in at the start and end of class. Other cooling mudras include jalashaya mudra (gesture of the calm lake) and bhu mudra (gesture of the earth). Find more in Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage.
Not familiar with some of these techniques? Want more tips, or to design a practice that works just for you? Schedule a Yoga Therapy or Ayurveda appointment to learn more!