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How Do I Honor?

dark-skinned hands joined in a prayer position

Find ways to sincerely honor yourself and others with ideas from yoga psychology.

How do you keep learning and growing in a way that is appropriate, authentic and healthy? Generate ideas for specific and general situations including:

  • if my lineage or profession has faced a scandal, how do I separate what serves from what harms?

  • how do I meaningfully acknowledge those who have come before?

  • how can I celebrate the achievements of myself and others in a sincere and effective way?

  • and more!

This accessible workshop includes theory and practice, so dress comfortably and bring a notebook, your mat or blanket, and a way to sit comfortably. You’ll receive handouts and recordings so you can give yourself a boost anytime you need it!

Attend live or by on-demand recording. With Atmadarshan.

Investment: $40. Register here OR get all 4 in this quarterly series now for only $127!

Yoga Alliance CEs are available.