You Are Not Alone

One of the most painful - and debilitating, according to recent research* - aspects of being human is feeling alone. Have you ever believed no one else could truly understand what you are going through, that there has never been a time or situation like yours, that you have to forge ahead on your own?

Connecting to the experience of others can help you triumph!

What if there was a book that addresses many of your struggles and shows you that others have not only shared but resolved them in satisfying, constructive ways?

This amazing book is centuries old, yet discusses things that seem unique to our time: technology that threatens to destroy the world, never-ending warfare, gender fluidity, transgender rights, the aging of our population and fearing that those we love (and ourselves)  will die in tragic or impersonal settings. If any of those have ever crossed your mind, or dismay over sexism, classism, racism, and an increasingly divided political system, then reading the Bhagavad Gita can bring you comfort and hope.

The Gita shows how humanity in general, and individuals like you, have faced overwhelming challenges and emerged to thrive and prosper. But it’s a bit like opening an imposing book on calculus - the theorems and equations are all there, but we need help to interpret just what they mean and apply to our particular challenges. Attending even one class or workshop on this work can start to unlock its power for you.

If you’d like to find more connection, optimism and encouragement through the Gita and other yogic approaches, join one of our many upcoming events, including Atmadarshan’s Modern Challenges, Timeless Wisdom: The Gita for Your Life workshop. If you think yoga helps you feel better on the mat, wait until you see what it can do for the rest of your day!
